A Bit by bit Manual for Fixing a TPE Sex Doll

Sex dolls are strong manifestations. They come from makers who guarantee that they can withstand even the not so cautious taking care of by their owners.

However, as time cruises by, sex dolls obtain harms. While a portion of these harms are hopeless, some can be reestablished on the off chance that you have sufficient information in fixing sex dolls. 

If you are a TPE sex doll proprietor who wish to fix your harmed doll, the principal instrument that you need to have is a 1.5 kilowatts infrared firearm. This instrument is helpful as it shows you the constant temperature feed of what you are fixing. One thing significant is that the fixes that you will do will rely upon the level of the sex doll’s harm. On the off chance that the harm is minor, the way toward fixing it will be short and simple. 

One harm that your sex doll may secure is a few spaces because of the weight and effect that it gets. These spaces can be a reason for squeezing the outside of your doll with substantial 0items. 

Moreover, you can likewise make a similar harm your doll on the off chance that you lay her down inappropriately without accurately situating her during sex. Yet, you don’t have to stress over this harm in light of the fact that there are a few methods that you can follow to fix your darling doll.

The Hot Towel Procedure

This straightforward fix measure expects you to cover the apparent scratches on your doll with a hot, clean towel for a limited capacity to focus time. When the harmed part is hot, put on a glove and pat the harmed region with your hand. Do these means then again until the space is no longer visible.

The Hair Dryer Method0

It gives the idea that a hairdryer doesn’t just work on a lady’s hair. While the greater part of us feel that this apparatus just attempts to dry a lady’s wet hair, it is additionally a fantastic answer for fix your TPE sex doll. 

What you will require for this technique is a wet and clean towel. However much as could be expected, utilize a white material to try not to stain your sex doll. Cover the space marks with the wet towel and warmth it with the hairdryer. Go on with this progression for quite a while. A while later, you will see that the spaces will begin to vanish little by little. 

Repairing Sex Doll Abrasions

Aside from asian sex doll spaces, another normal harm that your sex doll may get is scraped areas and tears. That being said, there two or three different ways that you can do to fix such sort of damage.

Use TPE Glue

Once you have found where the tear is, apply a limited quantity of TPE stick utilizing a fine-tipped realistic sex doll instrument. At that point, arrange the different sides of the tear and hold it several minutes until it becomes flawless again.

But prior to applying the paste, ensure that the harmed region is totally perfect. You can utilize 70% isopropyl liquor to do this. 


Using a spatula, apply the TPE fix covering dissolvable uniformly on the internal piece of the tear. Try not to have an inordinate measure of TPE stick holding tight the spatula as it would cause an excessive amount of paste to spread on the doll’s skin.

Once you have fixed the tear, utilize a wipe fabric to clear out the abundance stick. Abstain from utilizing your fingers in eliminating the paste you pressed out from the tear as it would cause undesirable prints on your doll.

Lastly, leave the doll as a protected spot with no strain on a superficial level for 24 hours.

Fixing Scraped spots On the Doll’s Skin Utilizing the Warmth Firearm Procedure

The first thing that you need to do with this system is to clean the harmed surface of the doll utilizing Vaseline o child oil. Aside from these substances will clean your doll, they will likewise helo in conveying the warmth more evenly. 

After applying child oil or Vaseline, begin zeroing in the warmth firearm on the harmed region. Observe the distance between the warmth weapon and the doll’s skin. Try not to point the firearm excessively near your sex doll or, in all likelihood it would wind up with serious consumes on its skin. The distance between the gadget and your doll should be in any event four inches.

The liquefying temperature of the doll’s skin is somewhere near 110 degrees Celcius. When the liquefying begins, you will see a coating like mirror finish. At the point when you need to quit warming the skin of your doll relies upon the smoke that comes out from warming it. 

Once you heat the necessary temperature, get a piece of clear material to feather out the anomalies that the scraped spot caused on your doll’s skin. Rehash the way toward warming and cooling the doll’s skin a few times. This is the key to getting the fine completion as rehashing the warming and cooling cycle will make the harmed part smooth.

One thing significant is that the temperature of the surface you warmed will drop very quick. Thus, it is essential to streamline the scraped spot when you quit working with the warmth gun.

Fixing the Facial Cuts of the Doll

You can fix facial cuts on your TPE sex doll utilizing the comparative cycles referenced previously. Be that as it may, it requires a ton of training to do it impeccably. The correct apparatuses, just as consistent hands, are what you need to fix little facial cuts on your TPE doll. 

But on the off chance that it is your first time attempting to fix a sex cutie, it would be more awesome in the event that you would purchase another head for your sex doll all things considered. Aside from it will totally redo your sex doll, it is additionally worth each dollar you spent. 

The generally vigorous and authentic marked doll heads cost around $400. You may believe that this cost is very costly. In any case, it is as yet a magnificent deal since you will have a more grounded doll head than previously.

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